Nelsons Port a Pit Chicken
  • 1 Lb. Butter
  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1 Cup Vinegar
  • 4 Tbsp Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Pepper
  • 4 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Oz. Accent
  1. Boil ingredients Together and Marinate raw chicken over night. Make sure chicken submersed, put plate on top or something with some weight. The butter will solidify, but that’s ok. Next day scrape all butter and shake everything off but save as much as possible, put chicken on grill and cook low and slow, shoot for 225 degrees. Re-boil left over liquid. And Baste about every 5 min or so until a good covering is on the chicken. Then baste about every half hour. Keep sauce hot. Caution do not use for basting with out re-boiling. Cook chicken to 165 Degrees.
  2. Use mesquite wood chips for smoke flavor.
  3. Nelsons Port a Pit has a convayer system that rotates the chicken back through the sauce so that’s why you should baste so much.

Recipe Submitted by: GatorFan


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