Joe Salesmans Simple BBQ Spray
Prep time: 10 mins
Total time: 10 mins
At our Christmas bash last night, one of my salesmen shared with me his formula for BBQing everything. He mixes up a batch of this spray and sprays it on whatever he is cooking before, during, and after the cook. He says everyone loves it and some even spray it on the meat as they are eating it.
  • 1/3 Cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed
  • 1/3 Cup White Vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup Distilled Water
  1. Years ago while talking to one of the BBQ cooks I learned they used a mixture of vinegar, beer, and meat tenderizer on most stuff.
  2. I use equal parts vinegar and beer. I never use meat tenderizer in the mix anymore. Depending on the cook the smidgen of something else may be olive oil, salt, cilantro, or any other spice that was in my rub. Often I’ll just toss in some left over rub into the mix… think both the vinegar and beer have tenderizing qualities. When I added meat tenderizer to it, it seemed that the meat was coming out with a bit of a “mushy” consistency.
  3. To me it just seemed like too much of a good thing — so I no longer use the meat tenderizer.

Recipe Submitted by: Smokey Joe (Grill Dome Community)


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